ESSIC Assistant Research Scientist Kelly Brunt recently convened a two-day workshop–funded by the NSF and NASA–to bring together scientists to assess current polar research instrumentation and identify a means of communicating the nature and value of this instrumentation to the broader research community. The workshop entitled, “Instrumentation for Polar Glaciology and Geophysics Research (IPGGR),” was held 9–10 October 2014, in Baltimore, Maryland. Roughly 50 IPGGR workshop participants were invited and represented: 1) scientists with a deep understanding of the current instrumentation; 2) instrument designers and operators, of both current and emerging instrumentation; 3) scientists involved in multidisciplinary platform development; and 4) federally-funded program managers. The ESSIC Business Office was essential to the organization of this event and helped coordinate travel for more than half of the participants.