Table of Contents

What is Faculty Success?

Faculty Success (formerly Digital Measures) by Watermark is our faculty activities system. This system enables individual faculty members and the University as a whole to promote and report accomplishments and activities. Using Faculty Success, faculty members can generate University-compliant CVs to report their work. When feasible, activity data supports promotion, tenure, USM/state reporting, recognition, and accreditation. 


A key goal in implementing this system is to bring faculty activity data in from existing campus systems where possible — to maximize the “enter once, use many times” philosophy. 



Do I have to submit an Annual Activity report?

All full-time (40 hours/week) TTK and PTK faculty members are expected to submit an annual activity report, regardless of when you joined UMD. If you are receiving emails from the Faculty Affairs team regarding Faculty Success, you are expected to submit a report.

Can I submit activities from before I came to UMD?

Yes, and you should! The Activity Report is designed to function as your CV. Your activities do not need to be limited to University of Maryland.

Can I just submit a personal statement?

No. If you just submit a personal statement and skip the activity report, your empty report will not be approved and will be returned to you. Please see below for an explanation on how to import publications from your existing databases, or explore the site for guides on how to fill in the Faculty Success system. 

How do I import information from my CV, ORCID, BibTeX, Google Scholar, [etc]?

See this page for guidance on how to import information into Faculty Success:

Importing Your Publications/CV

Where do I log this item?

See this page to see where specific items should be reported:

Where does ____ go?

If you are still unsure where items should go, please email us at

My report is missing content that I entered. Will those activities still count?

Yes. The report generated by the Faculty Success system is a University-Template CV useful when applying to UMD positions and promotions. However, this report is not what ESSIC uses for activity assessment. For ESSIC’s activity assessment, we export ALL of the submitted data associated with ESSIC faculty. As long as your content is data is appropriately categorized (more details) and labeled (with your UMD-understood name/date – see here for more details), your content will be considered.


If you want to double check content inclusion, please contact us at

I have another question not listed here.

Contact us at for ESSIC-specific guidance on the Faculty Success system.