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A schematic diagram describing the impacts of cloud-surface-coupling on the aerosol-cloud-interaction. When a cloud is coupled with the surface, a cloud is formed near the top of the planetary boundary-layer (PBL) that interacts strongly with the well-mixed aerosol, whereas they have little interaction under decoupled conditions. As aerosol alters cloud microphysics (more aerosol leads to more cloud droplets of smaller particle size that makes cloud brighter), solar radiation reflected by cloud is more under coupled conditions than under decoupled conditions, or a stronger cooling effect as indicated by the orange arrows. As a result, lack of accounting for the cloud-surface coupling tends to result in an underestimation of aerosol indirect radiative forcing, which is likely a major contributing factor to the systematic discrepancies between observation-based and model-based estimate of the aerosol cooling effect. Adapted from Su et al. (2024, Sci. Adv.).

Aerosols Affect Climate More Than We Think

A key to improve climate prediction is to improve understanding of the impact of aerosol on clouds, or commonly known as the aerosol-cloud-interaction according to a new study led by Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC) researchers published today in Science Advances.

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Zhanqing Li. Image credit: John T. Consoli/Faye Levine/University of Maryland. Effects by Nuwan Paditha (Click image to download hi-res version)

Zhanqing Li Receives Fulbright Specialist Award

Distinguished University Professor (DUP) Zhanqing Li has received a Fulbright Specialist Program award, a prestigious honor bestowed by the U.S. Department of State and the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board to support Dr. Li’s month-long visit of the Universite de Lille in Lille, France, where he will be collaborating on studies concerning air pollution and interactions with global climate changes by means of remote sensing and AI techniques.

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Zhanqing Li. Image credit: John T. Consoli/Faye Levine/University of Maryland. Effects by Nuwan Paditha (Click image to download hi-res version)

Balancing the Climate Budget

Trying to predict, combat and prepare for climate change is a bit like managing the budget of a major multinational corporation. But instead of knowing where all the money goes, you have to know where all the energy goes. How much sunlight hits the planet?

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Dr. Li smiles over a book on his desk

Congratulations to Dr. Li, Distinguished University Professor

Dr. Zhanqing Li, Professor at ESSIC and University of Maryland’s Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science is a new recipient of the Distinguished University Professor Award, the highest academic honor that the University of Maryland confers upon a faculty member. Considered a national achievement, this award given to just 7% of tenured faculty honors impact and significant contribution to the nominee’s field, knowledge, profession, and/or practice.

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Dr. Zhanqing Li smiles in a suit in front of a blurry background

Zhanqing Li is a Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher

Web of Science has honored Dr. Zhanqing Li, Professor at ESSIC and University of Maryland’s Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, as a Highly Cited Researcher, an honor bestowed to fewer than 6,200, or about 0.1%, of the world’s researchers, in 21 research fields and across multiple fields.

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