ESSIC / CICS-MD assistant research scientist Augustin Vintzileos recently presented at the World Climate Research Programme’s Second International Conference on Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction (S2S) in Boulder, Colorado.
The presentation, titled “Excessive Heat Events and Health: Building Resilience based on Global Scale Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Excessive Heat Outlook Systems”, used data from the S2S database to demonstrate the feasibility of S2S forecasting of excessive heat events, the primary cause of mortality resulting from atmospheric extremes.
Vintzileos works primarily on understanding the physics and predictability of climate variations and trends. His interests include numerical modelling and new approaches for analyzing big data volumes. He synthesizes new knowledge to develop operational forecasting systems that have societal benefits such as the Subseasonal Excessive Heat Outlook System.
To learn more about the conference, click here.